Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Remember, remember 5th November

Our music liturgy for 5 November was memorable for choirboy in that he played the guitar and his whistles (tin and low D) during mass whilst managing the children (Mrs Choirboy was away at a nearby Charismatic weekend) and doing the first reading, phew !
Added to that he had to cope with taking the post communion chatecism class after mass. Fortunately, help was at hand in the form of Tony, Charmaine and Jill who lent moral and, in Tony's case, vocal support. Must have been the first time that three golfers have taken a catechism class! Mary, our organist had recovered sufficiently from her virus to lead the musical accompaniment for the opening hymn whilst Maz (clarinet) just about managed to join in from verse 2 onwards (strangely she can't blame Louise this week - makes a change I guess). Jimmy found his trip to the Mermaid the night before did not enhance his performance but his son Jamie decided to do his vocal best to support dad.

Entry: Dear Lord and father of mankind

Gloria: Gloria

Alleluia: Plymouth Alleluia

Offertory: In bread we bring You Lord

Holy Holy: Gathering mass

Mem Acclamation: Lord by Your cross

Amen: We lift our hearts

Lamb of God: Newquay mass

Communion: Amazing grace

Recessional: Our God reigns

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