Sunday, January 25, 2009


I got this image from here.
Today Father Brian (who is standing in for Father Mark who we hope is enjoying a well deserved break) reminded us of the background to the first reading in which we heard about Jonah's visit to Niniveh. A well crafted sermon was delivered to a rather empty church - half the choir has obviously gone away as well. At any rate our organist Mary was away, so Kath B stepped admirably up to the plate. Paul was recovering from post pantomime celebrations so it was left to Jimmy and choirboy to lead the guitars of Danny and choirboy minor. Choirboy minimus was absent playing rugby so Mrs Choirboy was similarly absent. A conventional music liturgy completed a serene morning.

Entry We come to share our story

Gloria Gloria !

Alleluia Plymouth Alleluia

Offertory Lord accept the gifts we offer

Holy Holy Gathering Mass

Mem Accl Lord by Your cross and resurrection

Amen Amen, we lift our hearts

Lamb of God Newquay mass (ii)

Communion Sweet sacrament divine

Open our eyes to see

Recessional Follow me, follow me

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Speak Lord Your Servant is Listening

The reading from Samuel (today's first reading) that includes the text 'Speak Lord Your servant is listening) is one that has a special meaning for choirboy. He wrote a piece of music based on this reading that he has played at Catechetical Cell Group gatherings as well as Holy Trinity. It was also part of the theme of our Plymouth 150 celebrations ( and a recording of this song can be heard here (apologies for the slightly flat vocal - I did it in a hurry !)
Today we also said goodbye to Father Mark who is on holiday for the next 6 weeks - we wish a peacful and joyous break from Newquay.

Entry All people that on earth do dwell

Gloria Gloria !

Alleluia Plymouth Alleluia

Credo/I believe

Offertory Gifts of bread and wine

Holy Holy Gathering Mass

Mem Accl Lord by Your cross and resurrection

Amen Amen, we lift our hearts

Lamb of God Newquay mass (ii)

Communion Speak Lord to me (chorus, verse, chorus 1 and 2, verse, chorus1 and 2, chorus)

Ch 1 Speak Lord to me
Your servant is listening
Speak Lord to me
Your servant is listening to You

Ch 2 Speak Lord to me, Your servant is listening
Speak Lord to me, Your servant is listening to You
Speak Lord to me - Speak to me Father
Speak Lord to me - Speak to me Spirit
Speak Lord to me - Speak to me Jesus
Open my heart, Fill my soul with love for you

Recessional Here I am Lord

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Baptism of Our Lord

Our final Sunday of Christmastide was marked by the return of old friends - Louise and Danny (with his guitar). We were, however, short of two guitarists and two wind players. What we lacked in musicians we made up for in enthusiasm and we managed to co-opt Megan to play recorder so all in all it was a successful and joyful liturgy.

Entry Meekness and majesty

Kyrie Newquay

Gloria Gloria !

Alleluia Plymouth Alleluia

Offertory Blessed be God

Holy Holy Newquay Mass #4
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and God of might. Heaven
And earth are full of Your glory, Hosanna, hosanna. Blest is he who comes in Your name, Hosanna, hosanna. Hosanna,
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna.

Mem Accl When we eat this living bread and when we drink Your saving cup, we proclaim Your death my Lord, until You come in glory. Until You come in glory, until You come in glory.

Lamb of God Newquay Mass #4
Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world, the sin of the world (repeat). Lord have mercy on us and grant us Your
Peace and grant us Your peace.
Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen.
Amen, Amen, Amen

Communion Be still for the presence
Father we adore You

Recessional Give me joy in my heart

Monday, January 05, 2009

Happy New Year ?

The epiphany is the celebration of revelation of Christ to the Gentiles. It is a feast full of symbolic significance and is a reminder of the Church's missionary function.

Musically it was one of the those times when things don't go quite as planned. Our final 'hymn', a re-working of My Sweet Lord, was without the necessary electric guitar or clapping. It was seemingly without appreciation in some parts of the congregation. Choirboy does always try and chose music that is appropriate, prayerful but also joyful. I guess sometimes not everyone feels the same !

Entry We three Kings

Gloria: -

Alleluia Plymouth Alleluia

Offertory Take our bread

Holy Holy Newquay Mass #4
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and God of might. Heaven
And earth are full of Your glory, Hosanna, hosanna. Blest is he who comes in Your name, Hosanna, hosanna. Hosanna,
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna.

Mem Accl When we eat this living bread and when we drink Your saving cup, we proclaim Your death my Lord, until You come in glory. Until You come in glory, until You come in glory.

Lamb of God Newquay Mass #4
Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world, the sin of the world (repeat). Lord have mercy on us and grant us Your
Peace and grant us Your peace.
Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen.
Amen, Amen, Amen

Communion Silent Night


Recessional My Sweet Lord