Sunday, May 27, 2007


The Church was surprisingly full today for the feast of Pentecost. I say surprisingly for as visitors to Newquay will know, this is the weekend of 'Run to the sun' - an event loved and loathed in equal measure by North Cornwall coast residents. In his third to last 10.30 homily Father Stephen used a wonderful story to remind us of the power of the Spirit and how he 'orchestrates' our lives if we let him. Secondly he urged, that renewed and infused with this power, we should proclaim loudly that Jesus Christ, the Son of God is risen. A powerful call to evangelise the gospel, something as Catholics we are particularly poor at.
Our music liturgy contained, of course, many references to the Spirit and I believe many were uplifted by the liturgy. Many apart from Jimmy who was mysteriously absent - where are you Jimmy?
Finally choirboy received some sad, if not inevitable, news. Maz is to be posted to Afghanistan and leaves in 4 weeks. We will miss her and pray for her safe journey and return to us.

Entry: - Come Holy Ghost

Gloria: - Gloria

Gospel Acclamation: - Eight-fold Alleluia

Offertory: - Take our bread, we ask You

Sanctus:- Celtic Liturgy – Holy Holy

Mem Accl: -
Dying you destroyed our death, rising you restored our life
Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (repeat)

Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (repeat)

Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei: - Mass of Peace

Communion: -Spirit of the living God

Father, in my life I see

Recessional: - Go tell everyone

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Feast of the Ascension

It seems odd to be celebrating the Feast of the Ascension on a Sunday instead of a Thursday but that is what happened this Sunday. Some cynics (some people might describe choirboy as cynical) would suggest that this is a desparate ploy by the Church to plug the gaps of failing attendances at mass on feasts such as the Ascension - I couldn't possibly say that. Nevertheless, our music liturgy was centred around the Ascension and it was particularly joyous with many people saying how much they had enjoyed the music, so a big thank you to all members of the choir and musicians for your continuing dedication and effort. We are also on the countdown to Father Stephen's departure and his largess knows no bounds as we prepare for new hymn books and an augmented system of amplification.

Entry: - Alleluia, sing to Jesus

Gloria: - Gloria

Gospel Acclamation: - Seek ye first (verse 1)

Offertory: - Blessed be God

Sanctus:- Celtic Liturgy – Holy Holy

Mem Accl: -
Dying you destroyed our death, rising you restored our life
Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (repeat)

Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (repeat)

Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei: - Mass of Peace

Communion: - Bless the Lord my soul

Hail Holy Queen

Recessional: - Lord for tomorrow

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hail Holy Queen

Choirboy has been asked about his composition, Hail Holy Queen on a number of occasions - it has even been sung at a wedding in the Philippines ! It is now available via the following link: -
Happy listening !

Derek's loss is our gain.

Derek turned up on Sunday - so what ? Well he had announced that if he was successful in his election as bookkeeper at his local club then he wouldn't be able to attend Sunday morning mass and would fulfil his weekly obligation by going on Saturday evening. Fortunately Derek's loss is the choir's gain. So you will all dear readers be still able to hear Derek's dulcit tones, his shouts of encouragement ('Oill give it five'),tambourine and his effusive duets with Gil. We are truly blessed. It was akin to the return of the prodigal son !
The sixth Sunday of Easter continued with the theme of love elaborated by Brian our Deacon with his usual pithy observations. We had great feedback from visitors and choirboy was able to share some of our music with them.
Entry: - Gather us in

Gloria: - Gloria

Gospel Acclamation: - Alleluia No1 verse 2

Offertory: - Blessed be God

Sanctus:- Celtic Liturgy – Holy Holy

Mem Accl: -
Dying you destroyed our death, rising you restored our life
Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (repeat)

Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (repeat)

Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei: - Mass of Peace

Communion: - Song of a young prophet

Recessional: - Holy Virgin, by God’s decree

Monday, May 07, 2007

5th Sunday of Easter - Love

Father Stephen's theme for today was love or rather what we might comprehend as love and what the early christians referred to as agape. Many long theological treatises have been written on this subject which we can essentially paraphrase as follows: -
God is Love, and His love is very different from human love. God's love is unconditional, and it's not based on feelings or emotions. He doesn't love us because we're lovable or because we make Him feel good; He loves us because He is love. He created us to have a loving relationship with Him, and He sacrificed His own Son (who also willingly died for us) to restore that relationship.
The unconditional nature of this love is exemplified by the cross.
Our music liturgy reflected aspects of this wondrous gift and also had a Marian theme, being the first sunday in May. At the end of mass , Father Stephen crowned our statue of Our Lady of Lourdes with a golden crown kindly donated by two parishioners.
Finally choirboy was delighted to share some of his music with fellow music liturgists visiting for the weekend. He hopes to make more music available soon to listen to on the my space links to the left of this blog. To this end he has created a new myspace account, the last link on the left: -
Entry: - Hail Queen of Heaven

Gloria: - Gloria

Gospel Acclamation: - Alleluia No1 verse 2

Offertory: - This is my body

Sanctus:- Celtic Liturgy – Holy Holy

Mem Accl: -

Lord by Your cross and resurrection, You’ve set us free, You’ve set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world (repeat)
Saviour, Saviour Saviour, Saviour
You set us free, You set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world

Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei: - Mass of Peace

Communion: - Love is His word, love is His way

Recessional: - Mine eyes have seen the glory

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Confirmation 2007 - Saturday 28th April

Regular readers of this blog will notice a gap since choirboy last penned his missive. He was taken a short break with some of the younger choirboy fanily and had the chance to attend St Augustine's in St Austell and enjoy their liturgy whilst at the same time picking up whatever tips he could. They say that a week is a long in politics, well it is certainly a long time in the life of Holy Trinity. Choirboy was only missing one Sunday and Father Stephen has decided to leave - well not quite, the bishop has invited him to leave. We are all slightly shell shocked at this news but wish him well (more later).

Our Sunday liturgy for the 4 th Sunday of Easter was brought forward to the Saturday evening for the confirmation of five of our young people. In a ceremony conducted by Bishop Christopher, the usual Saturday night Holy Trinity crowd got a taste of Sunday mornings in the musical sense - perhaps it confirmed to many parishioners why they go to mass on a Saturday evening ! Musically in addition to the guitars of choirboy and Jimmy, plus a guest appearance by a visiting Peter (guitar), we had Jess' flute and Maz brought her tenor and soprano sax in addition to her clarinet - the combination proved successful and by the tiime we sang 'Walk in the light' the Church was rocking literally - fantastic sound from the musicians and great singing from the choir. A big thank you to you all.

We had a varied liturgy with the theme of the Holy Spirit, including a reflection written by choirboy for the confirmation of his eldest.

Entrance: - We are one in the Spirit

Kyrie: - Kyrie Elieson (Newquay Mass II)

Gloria: - Gloria !

Alleluia: - Folk Allelulia

Confirmation: - Come Holy Ghost

Offertory: - Take our bread, we ask you

Sanctus: - Gathering Mass

Mem Accl: -
Lord by Your cross and resurrection, You’ve set us free, You’ve set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world (repeat)
Saviour, Saviour Saviour, Saviour
You set us free, You set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world

Amen: - A-men, we lift our hearts and voices

Sign of Peace: - Peace be with you, peace be with you always (x3)

Agnus Dei: - Burntwood Mass

Communion: - I will be with you

Thanksgiving: - I can feel you moving in me (A testimonial to the power of the Spirit).

Recession: - Walk in the Light