Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Confirmation 2007 - Saturday 28th April

Regular readers of this blog will notice a gap since choirboy last penned his missive. He was taken a short break with some of the younger choirboy fanily and had the chance to attend St Augustine's in St Austell and enjoy their liturgy whilst at the same time picking up whatever tips he could. They say that a week is a long in politics, well it is certainly a long time in the life of Holy Trinity. Choirboy was only missing one Sunday and Father Stephen has decided to leave - well not quite, the bishop has invited him to leave. We are all slightly shell shocked at this news but wish him well (more later).

Our Sunday liturgy for the 4 th Sunday of Easter was brought forward to the Saturday evening for the confirmation of five of our young people. In a ceremony conducted by Bishop Christopher, the usual Saturday night Holy Trinity crowd got a taste of Sunday mornings in the musical sense - perhaps it confirmed to many parishioners why they go to mass on a Saturday evening ! Musically in addition to the guitars of choirboy and Jimmy, plus a guest appearance by a visiting Peter (guitar), we had Jess' flute and Maz brought her tenor and soprano sax in addition to her clarinet - the combination proved successful and by the tiime we sang 'Walk in the light' the Church was rocking literally - fantastic sound from the musicians and great singing from the choir. A big thank you to you all.

We had a varied liturgy with the theme of the Holy Spirit, including a reflection written by choirboy for the confirmation of his eldest.

Entrance: - We are one in the Spirit

Kyrie: - Kyrie Elieson (Newquay Mass II)

Gloria: - Gloria !

Alleluia: - Folk Allelulia

Confirmation: - Come Holy Ghost

Offertory: - Take our bread, we ask you

Sanctus: - Gathering Mass

Mem Accl: -
Lord by Your cross and resurrection, You’ve set us free, You’ve set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world (repeat)
Saviour, Saviour Saviour, Saviour
You set us free, You set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world

Amen: - A-men, we lift our hearts and voices

Sign of Peace: - Peace be with you, peace be with you always (x3)

Agnus Dei: - Burntwood Mass

Communion: - I will be with you

Thanksgiving: - I can feel you moving in me (A testimonial to the power of the Spirit).

Recession: - Walk in the Light

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