Never mind end of time (see below for a more enlightened discussion about eschatology), choirboy was at the end of his tether as world war three broke out between choirboy's youngest two children in one of the pews. Unfortunately as Mrs Choirboy was away (again!) it fell to a visiting parishioner to break up the pugilists. Father Stephen was hopefully having a quieter time in the Holy Land and so with Father Brian Stephens (who is very gentle) there was an irony in the fact that for this week the fire and brimstone was not on the alter but in the congregation ! In between feet and fisticuffs we managed to get through our planned music in one piece before choirboy was putting himself through the mill once more with the chatechism class.
Entry: - All creatures of our God and King
Gloria: - Gloria !
Alleluia: - Plymouth Alleluia
Offertory: - All that I am
Holy Holy: - Gathering mass
Mem Acclamation: - Dying you destroyed our death
Amen: - We lift our hearts
Lamb of God: - Newquay mass
Communion: - Father in my life I see/Be still for the presence of the Lord
Recessional: - Colours of day
Entry: - All creatures of our God and King
Gloria: - Gloria !
Alleluia: - Plymouth Alleluia
Offertory: - All that I am
Holy Holy: - Gathering mass
Mem Acclamation: - Dying you destroyed our death
Amen: - We lift our hearts
Lamb of God: - Newquay mass
Communion: - Father in my life I see/Be still for the presence of the Lord
Recessional: - Colours of day
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