Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ding ding round 2 !

Regular readers of this blog may well remember round 1 of the contest that evolved before mass this weekend. The setting, not quite Maddison Square Garden but pew 3 behind Choirboy's normal seat. In the red corner, our very own Ginja Ninja (choirboy minimus) and in the blue corner the Penbrea Pugulist (choirboy minor). With no Mrs Choirboy to intercede in the normal fraternal Sunday tensions the pugnacious pair let loose a number of body shots that Ricky 'the hitman' Hatton would have been proud of. Not withstanding Choirboy's tension over the music (see blogs passim), blood pressure was in danger of a new record high as it proved difficult to referee this particular contest. With the numbers of punches rising and the beginning of mass approaching, various attempts were made by well meaning onlookers to intercede. However, the terrible twosome were not to be denied their opportunity to heap embarassment onto Choirboy and it was only after he had thrown in his own towel and declared the match a draw that hostilities were halted. With the brooding pair sitting at either end of the pew, it was a brave soul who would have attempted to sit between them.

Meanwhile (#1) - in a far flung corner of the universe (OK - Torquay), Mrs Chorboy was strutting her catechecetical stuff and presenting a major new resource for catechecists - funnily enough to other catechists. This booklet provides resourcses for those catechists and teacher involved in the preparation for First Holy Communion. Choirboy is certain that it requires some wider publicity, so here it is. He does, however, request something of the organisers for next year's conference - please make it on a day other than a Sunday !

Meanwhile (#2) - Deacon Brian taught us the meaning of the phrase 'Ordinary time' and how it was not at all ordinary (and the fact that Choirboy can remember even this small snippet is an achievement for you Brian).

Meanwhile (#3) - Music. With Jimmy out of action (flu and injured shoulder) and Maz supposedly away (but strangely at the back of Church), the surrealness of Choirboy's Sunday was almost complete. We enjoyed a joyous musical celebration of our liturgy ! Phew.....

Entry All people that on earth do dwell

Gloria Gloria !

Alleluia Plymouth Alleluia

Offertory Gifts of bread and wine

Holy Holy Newquay mass (ii)

Mem Accl Lord by Your cross and resurrection

Amen Amen, we lift our hearts

Lamb of God Newquay mass (ii)

Communion Song of a young prophet

Recessional Here I am Lord

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