Thursday, December 27, 2007

Happy Christmas

A very happy and peaceful Christmas to all readers of this blog detailing the music liturgy of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Newquay, Cornwall, England.

As last year our music liturgy was split into a more tradional organ and carol service on Christmas Eve and a guitar led family mass on Christmas Day. The message, however, was the same - Rejoice, Jesus Christ is born !

Entry: - Ding dong merrily on high

Gloria: - Gloria (Anderson)

Alleluia, alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia. Today our Saviour is born. Today we welcome our King. Alleluia, alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia

Offertory: - This is my body

Holy Holy (Gathering Mass)

Lord by Your cross and resurrection, You’ve set us free, You’ve set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world (repeat)
Saviour, Saviour Saviour, Saviour
You set us free, You set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world

Amen, Amen, Ame. We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen. Amen, Amen, Amen

Lamb of God (Burntwood Mass)

Communion: - The Servant King

Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is born

V1 Today in David’s house is born
A saviour who is Christ the Lord
Born of a virgin, holy and pure
God incarnate to save us all

V2 In a manger the baby lies
Born that man no more may die
Born to save the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth

V3 Choirs of angels sing for joy
Shepherds find the newborn boy
In a stable, lowly and meek
They gather around the Prince of Peace

V4 So rejoice this heavenly morn
Jesus, Lord, our saviour is born
Peace, goodwill to all men on earth
Today we celebrate our saviour’s birth

So with our voices we shout and sing
We sing the praise of our newborn king
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Jesus Christ is born

Recessional: - Mary’s boy child

Alleluia, Lord by Your Cross, Amen we will sing, Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is born © petermerrin, carnebo hill and CCLI

Monday, December 24, 2007

4th Sunday in Advent

Despite a broken d string during the kyrie, a series of duff chords in our memorial acclamation and an advent candle that wouldn't light, we embarked on the and of our journey through advent with a joyous celebration. The theme was that of Mary and we listened to Graham Kendrick's 'Thorns in the straw' at communion. The beautiful words of this hymn remind us of the mystery, humility and faith that surrounded her life as the mother of Christ. And so to Christmas and the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ -see you there !
Entry O come, O come Emmanuel

The truth we seek
Kyrie Newqua

Alleluia Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
Prepare a way for the Lord
Prepare a way for our King

Credo/I believe

Offertory Gifts of bread and wine

Holy Holy Gathering Mass

Mem Accl When we eat this bread and drink this cup we proclaim Your death, Jesus my Lord. Until You come in glory, we proclaim Your death, Jesus my Lord. Jesus my Lord, Jesus my Lord, Jesus my Lord, Jesus my Lord.

Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen.
Amen, Amen, Amen

Lamb of God Burntwood Mass
Communion Wait for the Lord

Thorns in the straw

Concluding Rite Priest: The Lord be with you
All: And also with you
Priest: May almighty God bless you, Father, Son and Spirit. Forever and ever
All: Forever and ever, Amen.
Amen, Amen, Amen.
We go in peace to love and serve You
We go in peace to love and serve You Lord
Amen, Amen, Amen.
Recessional O come, all ye faithful (V1-3)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Prepare the way for the Lord. Have you ?

Although these are the words of Benjamin Franklin, Father Mark reminded us that although Advent is a time of preparation we should have been preparing for a much longer period for the coming of Our Lord. In essence, the message of 'are you ready' is one that pervades the entirety of our Advent preparation. Whatever our state of unreadiness there is always the prospect of redemption in the sacrament of reconciliation.

'If only Catholics were as interested as non-Catholics in confession'. We were reminded by Father Mark of the historical basis for this most Catholic of traditions and the opportunities that it offers us in terms of grace, forgiveness and remediation. The Sacrament of reconciliation affords us the chance to prepare more fully for Christ's birth - can we afford not to take it ?

Entry O Jesus Christ remember

The truth we seek

Kyrie Newquay

Alleluia Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
Prepare a way for the Lord
Prepare a way for our King

Offertory Bread of life

Holy Holy Gathering Mass

Mem Accl When we eat this bread and drink this cup we proclaim Your death, Jesus my Lord. Until You come in glory, we proclaim Your death, Jesus my Lord. Jesus my Lord, Jesus my Lord, Jesus my Lord, Jesus my Lord.

Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen.
Amen, Amen, Amen

Lamb of God Burntwood Mass
Communion God beyond all names

Let it be, Jesus is the answer

Concluding Rite Priest: The Lord be with you
All: And also with you
Priest: May almighty God bless you, Father, Son and Spirit. Forever and ever
All: Forever and ever, Amen.
Amen, Amen, Amen.
We go in peace to love and serve You
We go in peace to love and serve You Lord
Amen, Amen, Amen.

Recessional Here I am, Lord

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Life of Brian ?

Or should it be life according to Brian. Our deacon, Brian was on hand to deliver the message for the 2 nd Sunday of advent: - Prepare and readiness were his themes while he elegantly painted a picture of what the preparation of Jesus' birth must have been like for Mary and Joseph. We are fortunate to have a deacon in our parish and last weekend Brian celebrated two years of his ordination to the deaconate. Please remember him and all called to serve in your prayers this Christmas. Muscially, choirboy felt rather alone as first Maz and then Jimmy failed to appear. Fortunately Paul was on hand to provide the other half of a scouse duo (although Paul would probably describe Choirboy as a 'woolyback' coming as he does from the Wirral). Father Mark is warming slowly to the 'Concluding Rite'. By Christmas day it will be spot on !
Entry Gather us in

The truth we seek

Kyrie Newquay

Alleluia Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
Prepare a way for the Lord
Prepare a way for our King

Credo/I believe

Offertory In bread we bring You

Holy Holy Gathering Mass

Mem Accl When we eat this bread and drink this cup we proclaim Your death, Jesus my Lord. Until You come in glory, we proclaim Your death, Jesus my Lord. Jesus my Lord, Jesus my Lord, Jesus my Lord, Jesus my Lord.

Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen.
Amen, Amen, Amen

Lamb of God Burntwood Mass
Communion Wait for the Lord

Living Lord

Concluding Rite Priest: The Lord be with you
All: And also with you
Priest: May almighty God bless you, Father, Son and Spirit.
Forever and ever
All: Forever and ever, Amen.
Amen, Amen, Amen.
We go in peace to love and serve You
We go in peace to love and serve You Lord
Amen, Amen, Amen.
Recessional On Jordan’s bank, the Baptist’s cry

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

1st Sunday of Advent - Prepare !

If today was your last day on earth would you be proud of what you had achieved ? Would you be ready to meet your maker ? This was the challenge posed by Father Mark on this our first sunday in advent. It was also a musical challenge in that we used plenty of new material. In a change from last year, rather than light the advent candle (which is fortunately or unfortunately not in Laudate) we sang 'In truth we seek' (, a choirboy composition that we used for our lenten journey ('This promise is for you'). Finally in a liturgical first, Father Mark sang the Concluding Rite written by choirboy. Although slightly aprehensive and with the beginnings of a cold, he managed to sing almost perfectly - we look forward to hearing this again during our season of advent.
Entry The truth we seek
In hope and love, the truth we seek. The truth we find in You (repeat)
In Jesus we shall find, the message of eternal life.
In hope and love, the truth we seek. The truth we find in You (repeat)
Part i) Jesus..
Part ii) In hope and love, the truth we seek. The truth we find in You (repeat)
Repeat from beginning until final part below
In hope and love, the truth we seek. The truth we find in You (repeat).

Kyrie Newquay

Alleluia Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
Prepare a way for the Lord
Prepare a way for our King

Offertory Sweet sacrament divine

Holy Holy Gathering Mass

Mem Accl When we eat this bread and drink this cup we proclaim Your death, Jesus my Lord. Until You come in glory, we proclaim Your death, Jesus my Lord. Jesus my Lord, Jesus my Lord, Jesus my Lord, Jesus my Lord.

Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen.
Amen, Amen, Amen

Lamb of God Burntwood Mass

Communion God to enfold you

Eat this bread

Recessional Like a sea without a shore

Concluding Rite
Priest: The Lord be with you
All: And also with you
Priest: May almighty God bless you, Father, Son and Spirit. Forever and ever
All: Forever and ever, Amen.

Amen, Amen, Amen.
We go in peace to love and serve You
We go in peace to love and serve You Lord
Amen, Amen, Amen

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Faithfulness - is there any left ?

With plenty of examples where society is lacking in faithfulness (at home, work, society, relationships), Father Mark used the historical perspective of the inception of the feast of Christ the King to ask us to look at areas of our lives where our fidelity may be challenged. Indeed even before mass had begun, Choirboy's faithfulness to the Christian message was challenged by what he felt was an attack on his musical integrity. Wounded but unbowed, he ploughed on resolutely through the musical programme but did commit some howling chord errors during at least two muscial pieces - sorry folks. Musically we had a first for Holy Trinity, a piece of music by Delirious, a Christian Rock group. Choirboy modified some of the lyrics of 'What a friend I've found' and although his strat was slightly out of tune, Mrs Choirboy assures him that everyone joined in !
Entry Hail Redeemer King divine


Alleluia Plymouth Alleluia

Creed Credo/I believe

Offertory Take our bread, we ask You

Holy Holy Newquay Mass I

Mem Accl Dying You destroyed our death


Lamb of God Newquay Mass I

Communion The servant King
What a friend I’ve found

Recessional Mine eyes have seen the glory

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The end of time - Are you ready ?

In a sermon that took in Bob Dylan (in response to Brian's Peggy Lee), pub quizes and in theological terms, eschatology, Father Mark challenged us in the run up to advent to ask ourselves some difficult questions. With December approaching rapidly, choirboy has had to give some thought to advent liturgical matters but we still managed a joyous mix of the old and the new even in the absence of Paul (on a trip to Merseyside).

Entry All creatures of our God and King


Alleluia Plymouth Alleluia

Offertory All that I am

Holy Holy Newquay Mass I

Mem Accl Dying you destroyed our death

Amen Forever Amen

Lamb of God Newquay Mass I

Communion Father in my life I see

Bless the Lord my soul

Recessional Immortal invisible

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Remember, belief, Peggy Lee

Remembrance Sunday. Do you believe in God ? Is that all there is ?
It would seem to be quite difficult to bring these strands together, but Deacon Brian managed it whilst challenging us about our faith. Peggy Lee sang a song in the late 50s entitled 'Is that all there is?' and Brian used this song title to challenge whether or not we truly believed in God, Heaven and the resurrection of the body. Challenging thoughts. I wonder did he know that Peggy Lee had also sung another song 10 years earlier than 'Is that all there is?'. It was called 'Hallelujah, I love him so'. Perhaps this second song title provides the answer to the question that the first one poses.
Our music liturgy reflected the mood of the day and introduced our congregation to two Bernadette Farrell compositions in addtion to some old favorites including a stirring rendition of 'Abide with me'.
'Abide With Me' composed by Henry Francis Lyte in 1847, though the lyrics are usually sung to William Henry Monk's melody, Eventide and this was the tune we used today. Lyte wrote the words to his poem while he lay dying from tuberculosis and lived only three weeks after its completion.
A number of parishioners will have noticed an odd facial growth on Choirboy's face - this is in aid of the Angela Harrison Trust, a charity set up to increase awareness of post natal depression.
Entry Meekness and majesty
Alleluia Plymouth Alleluia

Offertory We come to Your table

Holy Holy Newquay mass I

Mem Accl Dying you destroyed our death

Amen Forever Amen

Lamb of God Newquay mass I

Communion God beyond all names

Jesus Lamb of God (V1-4)
Recessional Abide with me

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Respect for God's House

Father Mark's theme for today was that of respect - respect for God's House and the fact that we believe that Jesus Christ, body blood, soul and divinity is present in the form of the eucharist in our Church tabernacle. 'We come to Your table' a Choirboy composition echoes this sentiment (
We must at all times be mindful of this truth and conduct ourselves accordingly - not as easy as it sounds sometimes, especially when the junior choirboys are playing up.
Our liturgy today was all the more joyful as we welcomed Maz back safe and sound from Afghanistan. It was great to hear her clarinet ! For the first time in a long while we had electric guitar (Paul) and synthesiser (Caitlin) for the atmospheric 'More love, more power' post communion. Our Gloria had less volume than normal owing to the fact that Choirboy posted the wrong hymn numbers - I guess that sometimes he just has too much on his mind.
Entry Dear Lord and father of mankind


Alleluia Plymouth Alleluia

Creed Credo/I believe

Offertory In bread we bring You Lord

Holy Holy Newquay mass I

Mem Accl Christ has died

Amen Forever Amen

Lamb of God Newquay mass I

Communion Amazing grace

More Love, more power

Recessional Freely, freely

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pharisee or tax collector

Are you a pharisee or a tax collector or perhaps as Deacon Brian observed, a bit of both. The theme of today's sermon reflected the gospel reading and was that of humility - something that Choirboy finds a struggle at times. We should aim to be humble in all that we do so that we may serve God more faithfully. Perhaps we can find this humility in the person of Jesus - an ideal reflected in our post communion hymn, 'The truth we seek'. If we seek the Truth through the person of Jesus Christ, we will find the message for eternal life. A high ideal, but one we can achieve if we reflect the humility of Christ in our daily lives.
Entry Hail Queen of Heaven
Kyrie Kyrie

Gloria Gloria

Alleluia Plymouth alleluia
Offertory Blest are you Lord

Holy Holy Newquay mass I

Mem Accl Christ has died

Great Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei Newquay mass I

Communion This is my body
In hope and love the truth we seek

Recessional I’ll sing a hymn to Mary

The truth we seek
In hope and love
The truth we seek
The truth we find in You (repeat)

In Jesus we shall find
The message of eternal life
In hope and love
The truth we seek
The truth we find in You (repeat)

Part i) Jesus…..
Part ii) In hope and love
The truth we seek
The truth we find in You
The truth we find You (repeat)

In Jesus we shall find
The message of eternal life
In hope and love
The truth we seek
The truth we find in You (repeat)

Part i) Jesus…..
Part ii) In hope and love
The truth we seek
The truth we find in You
The truth we find You (repeat)

Hope, love, truth we seek
The truth we find in You (repeat)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

What's your mission ?

According to Father Mark, mission begins at home and not in the far flung places that we sometimes associate with missionaries. His sermon would have had a resonance with his predecessor, Father Stephen who would frequently wax lyrically and not so lyrically about Newquay. So it is to home shores that we must turn and regular readers of this blog will know that Choirboy feels that there is plenty of people close to home that need our missionary zeal.
Our music liturgy today was notable for what was included (a solo from Gil full of passion and a post communion composition by Louise that was very prayerful) and what was missing, Jimmy and his guitar and Danny's top E string !

Entry O purest of creatures

Gloria Gloria

Alleluia Plymouth alleluia

Credo Credo/I believe

Offertory Lord we come to Your table

Holy Holy Newquay mass II

Mem Accl Dying You destroyed our death, rising you restored our life
Come, Lord Jesus come, ome again in glory.
Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (rpt)

Great Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Sign of Peace Peace be with you, peace be with you always (x3)

Agnus Dei Newquay mass II

Communion Be still for the presence of the Lord

Ave Maria Louise (solo)

Recessional Holy Virgin by God’s decree

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Half full or half empty ?

In case you're wondering whether the theme of today's liturgy was about being an optomist or a pessamist it wasn't. It wasn't about drink in any form either. No the underlying question Father Mark posed to us was 'Are you one of the nine or like the Samaritan who went back'. This searching question (precipitated by the parable of the 1o lepers) was to remind us that me must give thanks to God whenever we can and that prayerful conversation should continue through the good times and the bad - we should thank God for our glass being half full rather than complaining that it is half empty. Easier to say than to do, but with a bit of practice it can become easier....
Today's music liturgy continued our October Marian theme and we welcomed another new guitarist - Danny (not Louise's Danny but an older model belonging to Julie and Robert). Despite the fact that he had no guitar and thought he had lost his music, he agreed to play on borrowed instrument and took a full part in the liturgy. We look forward to hearing his trumpet !
It was great to welcome Ann back to the fold after she had recently been in hospital with a broken hip. We wish her a speedy recovery.
Entry Immaculate Mary

Gloria Gloria

Responsorial Psalm As the deer pants

Alleluia Plymouth alleluia

Offertory Blessed be God
Holy Holy Newquay mass II

Mem Accl Dying You destroyed our death, rising you restored our life
Come, Lord Jesus come, ome again in glory.
Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (rpt)

Great Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Sign of Peace Peace be with you, peace be with you always (x3)

Agnus Dei Newquay mass II
Communion Song of a young prophet
Recessional O Mother Blest

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Faith of our fathers - it's mustard.

Our gospel today was the parable of the mustard seed and Deacon Brian preached on the importance of faith and how it can lead us to salvation. Indeed he reminded us of an old Frederick Faber hymn, Faith of Our Fathers ;

The link provides the words and a midi song file to the tune on Wikipedia. Choirboy was reminded that his gift of faith was nurtured by his parents, firstly through Baptism and then through encouragement (sometimes not as gentle as choirboy would have liked) both in word and deed. He realised some time ago of the great responsibility that parenthood brings in terms of fostering this gift and helping our children develop a meaningful relationship with God and His Church. This responsibility is to all around us not just our own children, something which we hope to develop at Holy Trinity.

Musically today we had two Marian hymns and our Saturday evening congregation enjoyed music thanks to Bob our newly seconded alternate organist.

Entry I’ll sing a hymn to Mary

Gloria Gloria

Alleluia Plymouth Alleluia

Credo Credo/I believe
Offertory One bread, one body

Holy Holy Newquay mass II

Mem Accl Dying You destroyed our death, rising you restored our life
Come, Lord Jesus come, ome again in glory.
Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (rpt)

Great Amen Amen, Amen, Amen. We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen

Sign of Peace Peace be with you, peace be with you always (x3)

Agnus Dei Newquay mass II

Communion Gifts of bread and wine

Recessional Hail Queen of Heaven

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Practical Christianity - 26 th Sunday in Ordinary time

The St Vincent de Paul Society (“SVP”) is an international Christian voluntary organization dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing direct practical assistance to anyone in need. It has been active in England & Wales since 1844. Today Helen Connolly of our local SVP branch talked to us about the local work of the SVP in helping the needy - apt as our Gospel reading today was that of Lazarus at the table of the rich man. This Christian message is one of hope for the oppressed, poor and needy of our world, that is that we should love our neighbour wherever he or she may be. Not always an easy thing to do the SVP acts as a conduit for our love for our neighbour. We can show this love not only in a practical way by joining the SVP but also by charitable donation and through prayer. You can read more about the SVP here: -
Musically we were fortunate to have a new guitarist today. Paul will hopefully be joining us for the forseeable future and despite a mishap with his music stand and some wrong chords played correctly by Jimmy, just written wrongly by choirboy, we were able to celebrate in a joyous fashion. Next week sees the return of our organists and hopefully also the start of a music liturgy at the Saturday vigil Mass.
Entry Song of the body of Christ
Gloria Gloria

Alleluia Plymouth alleluia
Credo Credo/I believe

Offertory Take our bread
Holy Holy Newquay mass II

Mem Accl Dying You destroyed our death, rising you restored our life
Come, Lord Jesus come, ome again in glory.
Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (rpt)

Great Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Sign of Peace Peace be with you, peace be with you always (x3)

Agnus Dei Newquay mass II

Communion Bread of life
Tantum Ergo
Recessional Shine Jesus shine

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Who or what is your God ?

Is it money, ambition, revenge ? What drives you ? Can you leave it behind and follow Christ ?
These challenging questions left food for thought as we celebrated the 25 th Sunday of the Year in typical Holy Trinity style with a mixture of the good, the average and the indifferent. At least that's how it appeared to Choirboy as he announced the wrong number for the communion hymn, left out a guitar riff in Lamb of God and bombed through the last number. Fortunately we had lots of splendid feedback and I really think that our joyous celebration of the liturgy at Holy Trinity is becoming infectious. Now we need to spread a bit beyond the confines of the Church door !

Entry Gather us in

Gloria Peruvian Gloria

Alleluia Folk alleluia

Offertory This is my body

Holy Holy Newquay mass II

Mem Accl Lord by Your cross

Great Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Sign of Peace Peace be with you, peace be with you always (x3)

Agnus Dei Newquay mass II

Communion Bread of life, Truth eternal

Recession Oh Lord my God

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fish and Sheeps

The truly awful pun of the title alludes to the fact that today's gospel included the parable of the lost sheep and secondly that there was a fish festival in Newquay today and Holy Trinity were there in numbers. Father Mark emphasised God's love for us and despite the enormity of His creation our individual uniqueness makes us special in God's eyes. This theme was extended through the hymn 'Meekness and Majesty' which was Holy Trinity's chosen hymn at the Newquay Songs of Praise (not the tele version but an annual event hosted by Churches Together in Newquay). The enormity of God the creator is hard to imagine as we survey his majesty all around us. Contrast this with the humility of God made Man in the person of Jesus. If we can aspire to emulate his humility, then surely people will see the majesty and wonder of God.
The inside of a beer tent would not be everyone's ideal place to praise and worship God but it proved a wonderful environment for some of the people of Newquay to witness to their faith.

Entry We walk by faith

Gloria Gloria

Alleluia Folk alleluia


Offertory All that I am

Holy Holy Newquay mass II

Mem Accl Lord by Your cross

Great Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Sign of Peace Peace be with you, peace be with you always (x3)

Agnus Dei Newquay mass II

Communion The servant king

Recessional I watch the sunrise

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Communications Sunday ?

Today was not as it happens 'Communications Sunday' but perhaps it could have been 'Miscommunication Sunday'. Choirboy was somewhat flumoxed on his arrival at Church this morning to find new hymn books on the benches. We are fortunate that a mystery benefactor has donated sufficient funds to purchase 200 Laudate Hymnals. Of course this is great news but Choirboy had prepared the liturgy using CFE hymnal and its very different hymn numbers. A migraine-inducing frantic 10 minutes of photocopying followed until all was resolved but even Choirboy minor (#4) managed to make an uncharacteristic dyslexic error with the number of the final hymn which was spotted in time by some eagle-eyed choristers. Sadly our old hymn books are now paper pulp rather than being stored for a rainy day/use by another needy Church.
You may be forgiven for thinking that we may have (following last week's McCartney interlude) had a song by the great songsmith Bob Dylan as part of our celebrations. No, I post the picture to illustrate the news that our Mass times are being altered. Fortunately our 1030 celebration is safe for the moment (for full story go to So the times they are a changin but the song remains the same (two song titles in there somewhere).

Sunday 9 September 2007 23 rd Sunday in Ordinary time (Year C)

Entry My God accept my heart this day

Gloria Gloria

Alleluia Seek ye first

Offertory Lord accept the gifts we offer

Holy Holy Newquay mass II

Mem Accl Lord by Your cross

Great Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Sign of Peace Peace be with you, peace be with you always (x3)

Agnus Dei Newquay mass II

Communion Jesus thou art coming

Recessional Follow me, follow me

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Let it be - Jesus is the answer

The musical theme of our celebration for the 22nd Sunday of the year was embodied in music by two of choirboy's favorite musicians. Our opening hymn, Meekness and Majesty by Graham Kendrick recognises the dichotomy of God the Creator and Jesus the man - humble and yet worthy of praise as supreme being. Choirboy has long been a fan of the Beatles and of Paul McCartney whom he sees as the master of melody. Our second piece of music at Communion used McCartney's Let it Be as a template for the message that Jesus is the answer. To what ? Well to absolutely everything - his message has the solution to all of life's questions. How is this so ? This brings us neatly back to the opening hymn which shows that through the humility of Christ we can learn the answers to the questions that life poses for us all. Easier said than done, however, which is why our journey of faith is sometimes long and hard...

Entry Meekness and majesty

Gloria Gloria

Alleluia Plymouth Alleluia

Offertory In bread we bring you, Lord

Holy Holy Gathering mass

Mem Accl Christ has died

Great Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Sign of Peace Peace be with you, peace be with you always (x3)

Agnus Dei Newquay mass II

Communion Bless the Lord my soul
Let it be

Recessional Mine eyes have seen the glory

Let it be
When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
And in my hour of darkness, She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Jesus is the answer, let it be

And when the broken hearted people living in the world can see
That there must be an answer, let it be
But though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see
Jesus is the answer, let it be

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Jesus is the answer, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Jesus is the answer, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Jesus is the answer, let it be

And when the night is cloudy, there is still alight that shines on me
Shine on ‘till tomorrow, let it be
I wake up in this world of sorrow, Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Jesus is the answer, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Jesus is the answer, let it be
Jesus is the answer, Jesus is the answer, Jesus is the answer - Let it be

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Have you been saved ?

To know how to answer this question you would have to have listened to Father Mark's sermon at 1030 mass. If you asked the question you are probably a regular traveller on the Swansea to London traion service, own a kagool and are a dab hand at making your own sandwiches. Our music today included the kyrie which was sung while Father Mark cooled us with holy water on what was a hot and sultry day in Newquay.
Entry Praise my soul the King of heaven

Gloria Gloria

Alleluia Plymouth Alleluia
Credo Credo/I believe
Offertory Take our bread
Holy Holy Gathering mass
Mem Accl Christ has died
Great Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Sign of Peace Peace be with you, peace be with you always (x3)

Agnus Dei Newquay mass II
Communion Lord I am not worthy
Do not be afraid
Recession I will be with you

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Post holiday post

Regular readers (if there are any) will have noticed the absence of any blog over the last 3 Sundays. Choirboy and his family have been lucky enough to have had a holiday in the South West of France, enjoying wine, sun and great hospitality. I hope visitors to our Church of the Most Holy Trinity feel as welcome as we were made to feel by Pere Emeric de Rozieres, the parish priest of St Emilion. However, it was with great joy that choirboy rejoined the music ministry which has been managed in his absence most capably by Mary and Jimmy. We were reminded by Father Mark of the 'wholeness' of the gospel story and that as Catholic Christians we should attempt to read the gospels through in their entirety on a regular basis -one for Advent/Lent ?
Our choir today was sadly lacking some regulars and choirboy will be endeavouring to find out where they all are. Our liturgy today was hopefully both joyous and reflective of the wonders of our faith. It included a communion reflection composed by choirboy - 'Lord I know that You love me'

Entry: - Guide me, O thou great Redeemer

Gloria: - Gloria

Alleluia: - Plymouth Alleluia

Credo: - Credo/I believe

Offertory: - This is my body, broken for you

Holy Holy: - Gathering mass

Mem Accl: - Christ has died

Great Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei: - Newquay mass I

Communion: - Be still for the presence of the Lord
Lord I know that You love me

Recession: - Majesty

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Martha or Mary ?

The question we were asked today was, ' Are you a Martha or a Mary ?' It did not produce an 'I am Spartacus' moment but did enable us to reflect on our priorities not only in our secular lives but particularly in relation to how we choose to live the gospel. Unfortunatley there are very few musical motifs that we can use to illustrate these points but Choirboy used his reflection from the Book of Samuel, 'Speak Lord to me' during Communion to hopefully illuminate some of the themes of our readings today. Our liturgy was the poorer for the absence of Joyce, Gil and Kath - presumably all on holiday and we were greeted with the news that Derek and Ann will be absent for the next 4 weeks. Choirboy, himself is bracing himself for a summer sojurn so we were grateful for the addition of Veronica's guitar and Louise's promise that she will sing a solo in 2 weeks ! With Choirboy's only daughter playing her recorder loud and proud our liturgy had a balance of old and new and hopefully facilitated the worship.
Entry Song of the body of Christ

Cantor Kyrie eleison All Kyrie eleison
Cantor Kyrie eleison All Kyrie eleison
Cantor Lord have mercy on us All Lord have mercy on us

Cantor Christe eleison All Christe eleison
Cantor Christe eleison All Christe eleison
Cantor Christ have mercy on us All Christ have mercy on us
Repeat Kyrie eleison

Gloria Gloria

Alleluia: - Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Open your ears, open your eyes, open your hearts, to hear God’s word.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

Offertory: - Lord we come to Your table
Bread and wine we offer now to You
To transform as only You can do
Body, blood, soul, divinity
Lord, I ask You to be one with me

V1 Lord we come to Your table
Lord we bring You bread and wine
Lord we ask You now to bless us
Take our gifts and make them thine

V2 Lord we lay our lives before You
Lord we bring ourselves to You
Lord we ask You to transform us
Fill our souls with love renewed

V2 Lord we bring our sins before You
Lord we ask You to forgive
All our faults and make us worthy
And find in us a place to live

Holy Holy Gathering mass

Mem Accl Lord by Your cross and resurrection, You’ve set us free, You’ve set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world (repeat)
Saviour, Saviour Saviour, Saviour
You set us free, You set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world
Amen A-men, we lift our hearts and voices to you as we sing A-men so shall it be forever Amen.

Agnus Dei (Newquay Mass #2)
Lamb of God, You take away, the sin of all the world (repeat)
Have mercy on us. And grant us Your peace

Communion Jesus, Lamb of God
Recessional Freely, freely

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Who is my neighbour ?

Our gospel today centred on that most challenging of questions, "Who is my neighbour ?" The answer to the question posed to Jesus was illustrated by Him in the form of a parable - that of the Good Samaritan. Father Mark used this to challenge us with the very same question phrased in a slightly different but equally challenging way. Our music liturgy though not illuminating this aspect of the liturgy was in all other respects joyful and prayerful. However, Father Mark enquired of choirboy whether he felt the memorial acclamation was too long - he did and this aspect of our liturgy will be subtely altered ! It was great to see Louise playing again - fortunately choirboy brought a spare guitar to mass and Jill B looked after Danny.

Entry Meekness and majesty

Gloria Gloria

Alleluia: - Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Open your ears, open your eyes, open your hearts, to hear God’s word.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Credo/Ibelieve (

Offertory Blessed be God

Holy Holy Gathering mass

Mem Accl Dying You destroyed our death, rising You restored our life. Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (repeat)
Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory. Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory

Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen. Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei: - Lamb of God, You’ve taken away all of our sins (repeat 2 times)
Have mercy on us And grant us Your peace.

Communion Love is his word

Recessional Follow me, follow me

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Welcome Father Mark

It looks picturesque and, at times, it is beautiful. Unfortunately, Father Mark's first impressions of Newquay as a place to live have not lived up to the picture postcard image. Suffering from a surfeit of surf lodges, Tower Road is not the most peaceful place to live as Father Mark found to his cost ! Still it did not dampen his enthusiasm on this his first Sunday in Newquay (he did in fact pit in an appearance on 29 June for the feast of St Peter and St Paul). The parishioners were heartened to hear of his promise of short sermons but it did leave our children somewhat late to arrive back from their own liturgy ! Our music liturgy was conservative with a small c and we wait to see what the future holds for this aspect of our liturgy. With the welcome return of Jimmy and Kath playing the organ we let loose with the selection as follows: -

Entry Guide me, O thou great Redeemer

Gloria Gloria

Alleluia Plymouth Alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Open your ears, open your eyes, open your hearts, to hear God’s word.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

Offertory All that I am

Holy Holy Gathering Mass

Memorial Acc: - Christ has died, Christ is risen (repeat)
He will come again (repeat)

Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei Newquay Mass

Communion Peace perfect peace

Lord I am not worthy

Recessional You shall go out with joy

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Birthday of St John the Baptist

The picture is a representation of the birth and naming of St John the Baptist from a fresco painted in 1313 from the Peruzzi chapel of the Church of Santa Croce, Florence. Our celebration of this feast was led by Fr Brian Stephens and our music contained a number of new hymns. The celebration was tinged with a note of sadness as we said goodbye to Maz who is off to Afghanistan for the next four months. We will miss the sound of her clarinet and her ability to transpose music that she has previously never seen - she will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Choirboy is a big fan of Graham Kendrick and we used one of his compositions as the opening hymn - Meekness and Majesty. It has a lovely keyboard part and the combination of guitar and organ worked particularly well (thank you Mary). The following link to Graham Kendrick's website is well worth exploring as there are many fine examples of his music on the site.

Entry: - Meekness and majesty

Gloria: - Gloria

Responsorial Psalm: - Oh the word of my Lord

Alleluia : - Plymouth Alleluia

Offertory: - Blessed be God

Holy Holy: - Gathering Mass

Memorial Acc: - Christ has died, Christ is risen (repeat)
He will come again (repeat)

Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei
Lamb of God, You’ve taken away all of our sins (repeat 2 times)
Have mercy on us
And grant us Your peace.

Communion: - Jesus, Lamb of God

Recessional: - Colours of day

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The warm forgiveness of God

The theme of today's readings and of our homily from Father Mead was the warmth of God's forgiveness. Father David was saying mass in the absence of, well anyone else - Father Stephen has gone and we await the arrival of Fr Mark O'Keefe in two weeks time. Our choir looked rather theadbare and apart from Mary (fresh from her Scillies sojurn) on the instrumental front was choirboy and his daughter. Nevertheless we enjoyed a joyous celebration with a good mixture of guitar and organ.

Entry: - Majesty, worship His majesty

Gloria: - Gloria

Alleluia : - Plymouth Alleluia

Offertory: - Take our bread, we ask You

Holy Holy: - Gathering mass

Memorial Acc: - Christ has died, Christ is risen (repeat)
He will come again (repeat)

Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei
Lamb of God, You’ve taken away all of our sins (repeat 2 times)
Have mercy on us
And grant us Your peace.

Communion: - Do not be afraid

Recessional: - I am a new creation

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Holy Communion/Father Stephen's last mass

In a beautifully poignant ceremony, six of our parish's youngest made their first Holy Communion. In the absence of Mary, Kath provided organ accompaniment and despite her nerves did a fantastic job. Musician wise we were only two guitars but flutes and recorders are back up to full strength (two) but Maz was away preparing for her Afghani sojurn. Choirboy minor, minor, minor, minor made his first Communion today so it was a special event for the choirboy family and Mrs Choirboy's parents who had made the long trek from the North West for the occasion.
Musically we used a number of guitar driven up tempo pieces and slowed for communion and then Choirboy's interpretation of 'Jesus thou art coming'. Our recessional was a hymn sung at Father Stephen's ordination, so it was goodbye and good luck from all at Holy Trinity. It remains to be seen what changes Father Mark wishes to make (if any) to our music liturgy. A rather nervous choirboy will let our many readers know ASAP but in the meantime we have what I suppose we could call an interegnum and next Sunday we will have the pleasure of Father David Mead.
Entry : - Alleluia, sing to Jesus

Gloria: -

Alleluia : - Plymouth Alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Open your ears, open your eyes, open your hearts, to hear God’s word.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

Credo/I believe

Offertory: - This is my body, broken for you

Sanctus: - Gathering Mass

Mystery of faith
Lord by Your cross and resurrection, You’ve set us free, You’ve set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world (repeat)
Saviour, Saviour Saviour, Saviour
You set us free, You set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world

Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei
Lamb of God, You’ve taken away all of our sins (repeat 2 times)
Have mercy on us
And grant us Your peace.

Communion: - Be still, for the presence of the Lord

Reflection: - Jesus thou art coming

Recession: - On Eagle’s wings

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Trinity Sunday

Today we celebrated our patronal feast, that of the Most Holy Trinity. Further information about the history of our parish can be found on the web at: -

An added irony to the celebrations was Father Stephen's goodbye. Next week is in fatc his last Sunday but he used his sermon today to give thanks and to say goodbye. Our liturgy was animated today by our children who read and performed with great style. Mass was followed by a BBQ and fortunately the weather held off whilst we enjoyed good food, good company and said goodbye and good luck to Father Stephen.
Our musical liturgy had many references to the Trinity and included choirboy's Sancta Trinitas, a rather echoey version of which is on: -

Entry : - Holy God, we praise thy name

Gloria: - Gloria (Duffy)

Alleluia: - Alleluia VII (Taize)

Credo/I believe

Offertory: - In bread we bring You, Lord

Sanctus: - Gathering Mass

Mystery of faith (

Lord by Your cross and resurrection, You’ve set us free, You’ve set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world (repeat)
Saviour, Saviour Saviour, Saviour
You set us free, You set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world

Amen: - (

Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Die
Lamb of God, You’ve taken away all of our sins (repeat 2 times)
Have mercy on us
And grant us Your peace.

Communion: - Amazing Love

Sancta Trinitas

Chorus Sancta Trinitas
Unus Deus
Miserere nobis (repeat)
1.One God, three Persons, one life in You, Lord. All glory and all power are Yours forever and ever.
2. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, our divine mystery. All glory and all power are Yours forever and ever.
3. Risen Lord, our redeemer, all our hope is in You. All glory and all power are Yours forever and ever.
Amen, Amen.

Recession: - Walk in the light

Sunday, May 27, 2007


The Church was surprisingly full today for the feast of Pentecost. I say surprisingly for as visitors to Newquay will know, this is the weekend of 'Run to the sun' - an event loved and loathed in equal measure by North Cornwall coast residents. In his third to last 10.30 homily Father Stephen used a wonderful story to remind us of the power of the Spirit and how he 'orchestrates' our lives if we let him. Secondly he urged, that renewed and infused with this power, we should proclaim loudly that Jesus Christ, the Son of God is risen. A powerful call to evangelise the gospel, something as Catholics we are particularly poor at.
Our music liturgy contained, of course, many references to the Spirit and I believe many were uplifted by the liturgy. Many apart from Jimmy who was mysteriously absent - where are you Jimmy?
Finally choirboy received some sad, if not inevitable, news. Maz is to be posted to Afghanistan and leaves in 4 weeks. We will miss her and pray for her safe journey and return to us.

Entry: - Come Holy Ghost

Gloria: - Gloria

Gospel Acclamation: - Eight-fold Alleluia

Offertory: - Take our bread, we ask You

Sanctus:- Celtic Liturgy – Holy Holy

Mem Accl: -
Dying you destroyed our death, rising you restored our life
Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (repeat)

Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (repeat)

Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei: - Mass of Peace

Communion: -Spirit of the living God

Father, in my life I see

Recessional: - Go tell everyone

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Feast of the Ascension

It seems odd to be celebrating the Feast of the Ascension on a Sunday instead of a Thursday but that is what happened this Sunday. Some cynics (some people might describe choirboy as cynical) would suggest that this is a desparate ploy by the Church to plug the gaps of failing attendances at mass on feasts such as the Ascension - I couldn't possibly say that. Nevertheless, our music liturgy was centred around the Ascension and it was particularly joyous with many people saying how much they had enjoyed the music, so a big thank you to all members of the choir and musicians for your continuing dedication and effort. We are also on the countdown to Father Stephen's departure and his largess knows no bounds as we prepare for new hymn books and an augmented system of amplification.

Entry: - Alleluia, sing to Jesus

Gloria: - Gloria

Gospel Acclamation: - Seek ye first (verse 1)

Offertory: - Blessed be God

Sanctus:- Celtic Liturgy – Holy Holy

Mem Accl: -
Dying you destroyed our death, rising you restored our life
Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (repeat)

Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (repeat)

Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei: - Mass of Peace

Communion: - Bless the Lord my soul

Hail Holy Queen

Recessional: - Lord for tomorrow

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hail Holy Queen

Choirboy has been asked about his composition, Hail Holy Queen on a number of occasions - it has even been sung at a wedding in the Philippines ! It is now available via the following link: -
Happy listening !

Derek's loss is our gain.

Derek turned up on Sunday - so what ? Well he had announced that if he was successful in his election as bookkeeper at his local club then he wouldn't be able to attend Sunday morning mass and would fulfil his weekly obligation by going on Saturday evening. Fortunately Derek's loss is the choir's gain. So you will all dear readers be still able to hear Derek's dulcit tones, his shouts of encouragement ('Oill give it five'),tambourine and his effusive duets with Gil. We are truly blessed. It was akin to the return of the prodigal son !
The sixth Sunday of Easter continued with the theme of love elaborated by Brian our Deacon with his usual pithy observations. We had great feedback from visitors and choirboy was able to share some of our music with them.
Entry: - Gather us in

Gloria: - Gloria

Gospel Acclamation: - Alleluia No1 verse 2

Offertory: - Blessed be God

Sanctus:- Celtic Liturgy – Holy Holy

Mem Accl: -
Dying you destroyed our death, rising you restored our life
Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (repeat)

Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (repeat)

Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei: - Mass of Peace

Communion: - Song of a young prophet

Recessional: - Holy Virgin, by God’s decree

Monday, May 07, 2007

5th Sunday of Easter - Love

Father Stephen's theme for today was love or rather what we might comprehend as love and what the early christians referred to as agape. Many long theological treatises have been written on this subject which we can essentially paraphrase as follows: -
God is Love, and His love is very different from human love. God's love is unconditional, and it's not based on feelings or emotions. He doesn't love us because we're lovable or because we make Him feel good; He loves us because He is love. He created us to have a loving relationship with Him, and He sacrificed His own Son (who also willingly died for us) to restore that relationship.
The unconditional nature of this love is exemplified by the cross.
Our music liturgy reflected aspects of this wondrous gift and also had a Marian theme, being the first sunday in May. At the end of mass , Father Stephen crowned our statue of Our Lady of Lourdes with a golden crown kindly donated by two parishioners.
Finally choirboy was delighted to share some of his music with fellow music liturgists visiting for the weekend. He hopes to make more music available soon to listen to on the my space links to the left of this blog. To this end he has created a new myspace account, the last link on the left: -
Entry: - Hail Queen of Heaven

Gloria: - Gloria

Gospel Acclamation: - Alleluia No1 verse 2

Offertory: - This is my body

Sanctus:- Celtic Liturgy – Holy Holy

Mem Accl: -

Lord by Your cross and resurrection, You’ve set us free, You’ve set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world (repeat)
Saviour, Saviour Saviour, Saviour
You set us free, You set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world

Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei: - Mass of Peace

Communion: - Love is His word, love is His way

Recessional: - Mine eyes have seen the glory

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Confirmation 2007 - Saturday 28th April

Regular readers of this blog will notice a gap since choirboy last penned his missive. He was taken a short break with some of the younger choirboy fanily and had the chance to attend St Augustine's in St Austell and enjoy their liturgy whilst at the same time picking up whatever tips he could. They say that a week is a long in politics, well it is certainly a long time in the life of Holy Trinity. Choirboy was only missing one Sunday and Father Stephen has decided to leave - well not quite, the bishop has invited him to leave. We are all slightly shell shocked at this news but wish him well (more later).

Our Sunday liturgy for the 4 th Sunday of Easter was brought forward to the Saturday evening for the confirmation of five of our young people. In a ceremony conducted by Bishop Christopher, the usual Saturday night Holy Trinity crowd got a taste of Sunday mornings in the musical sense - perhaps it confirmed to many parishioners why they go to mass on a Saturday evening ! Musically in addition to the guitars of choirboy and Jimmy, plus a guest appearance by a visiting Peter (guitar), we had Jess' flute and Maz brought her tenor and soprano sax in addition to her clarinet - the combination proved successful and by the tiime we sang 'Walk in the light' the Church was rocking literally - fantastic sound from the musicians and great singing from the choir. A big thank you to you all.

We had a varied liturgy with the theme of the Holy Spirit, including a reflection written by choirboy for the confirmation of his eldest.

Entrance: - We are one in the Spirit

Kyrie: - Kyrie Elieson (Newquay Mass II)

Gloria: - Gloria !

Alleluia: - Folk Allelulia

Confirmation: - Come Holy Ghost

Offertory: - Take our bread, we ask you

Sanctus: - Gathering Mass

Mem Accl: -
Lord by Your cross and resurrection, You’ve set us free, You’ve set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world (repeat)
Saviour, Saviour Saviour, Saviour
You set us free, You set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world

Amen: - A-men, we lift our hearts and voices

Sign of Peace: - Peace be with you, peace be with you always (x3)

Agnus Dei: - Burntwood Mass

Communion: - I will be with you

Thanksgiving: - I can feel you moving in me (A testimonial to the power of the Spirit).

Recession: - Walk in the Light

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

2 nd Sunday of Easter

Carravaggio's 'Doubting Thomas' illustrates the main theme of our gospel on this first sunday after Easter known as the 2 nd Sunday of Easter. Despite the minor wobble to morale, the choir was in fine voice and a particularly joyous music liturgy was celebrated by all. Unfortunately Frank's brief stint in the choir appears to be at an end as the demands of his job mean that he cannot attend on Sundays so we will have to make do without his contribution on the 12 string guitar. Jimmy nearly missed the start of mass and then almost dropped his guitar but our liturgy passed off uneventfully apart from some fiddling by choirboy minor (female) and not with her violin - apologies for anyone who was distracted !

Entry: - We come tell our story

Gloria: - Gloria

Gospel Acclamation: - Alleluia No1 verse 2

Credo/I believe

Offertory: - Take our bread

Sanctus:- Celtic Liturgy – Holy Holy

Mem Accl: -
Lord by Your cross and resurrection, You’ve set us free, You’ve set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world (repeat)
Saviour, Saviour Saviour, Saviour
You set us free, You set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world

Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei: - Mass of Peace

Communion: - The Lord’s my shepherd

Recessional: - Lord of the dance

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Christ is risen - Happy Easter

Our Easter celebrations started with the vigil service and its emphasis on light and concluded on Sunday morning with an altogether musically different but complimentary celebration. Our vigil service was mostly led on the organ with plenty of unaccompanied singing, whereas our morning service was heavily guitar and woodwind based. Fortunately we were blessed with large numbers in the choir at both masses and a very large congregation on sunday morning which helped lift the celebrations. Choirboy's morning was, however, somewhat spoilt when someone told him that the music was 'a bloody mess' and that it sounded like a 'bazaar'. I wish I could report that this was not upsetting but it was and continues to be a bit of a running sore for choirboy who together with all of the musicians and members of the choir works hard to try and produce a liturgy that is both fit for purpose and spiritually uplifting. That said most weeks, choirboy is flattered and grateful for the thanks of parishioners and visitors alike - he will reflect on this incident and try and grow from it !

Entry: - Christ the Lord is risen today

Gloria: - Gloria

Gospel Acclamation: - Come and worship, royal priesthood. Come and praise him holy nation. Worship Jesus, our redeemer. He is risen King of glory

Offertory: - All that I am

Sanctus:- Newquay mass (ii)

Mem Accl: -
Lord by Your cross and resurrection, You’ve set us free, You’ve set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world (repeat)
Saviour, Saviour Saviour, Saviour
You set us free, You set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world

Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen

Agnus Dei: - Burntwood Mass

Communion: - Amazing Grace

Recessional: - Come and worship, royal priesthood. Come and praise him holy nation. Worship Jesus, our redeemer. He is risen King of glory.

This is the day