It looks picturesque and, at times, it is beautiful. Unfortunately, Father Mark's first impressions of Newquay as a place to live have not lived up to the picture postcard image. Suffering from a surfeit of surf lodges, Tower Road is not the most peaceful place to live as Father Mark found to his cost ! Still it did not dampen his enthusiasm on this his first Sunday in Newquay (he did in fact pit in an appearance on 29 June for the feast of St Peter and St Paul). The parishioners were heartened to hear of his promise of short sermons but it did leave our children somewhat late to arrive back from their own liturgy ! Our music liturgy was conservative with a small c and we wait to see what the future holds for this aspect of our liturgy. With the welcome return of Jimmy and Kath playing the organ we let loose with the selection as follows: -
Entry Guide me, O thou great Redeemer
Gloria Gloria
Alleluia Plymouth Alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Open your ears, open your eyes, open your hearts, to hear God’s word.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Offertory All that I am
Holy Holy Gathering Mass
Memorial Acc: - Christ has died, Christ is risen (repeat)
He will come again (repeat)
Amen: - Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen
Agnus Dei Newquay Mass
Communion Peace perfect peace
Lord I am not worthy
Recessional You shall go out with joy
1 comment:
Hello Holy Trinity! Well Afgan is not as bad as everyone seems to think. I'm in a 4 girl room with bunk beds, air con and a duvet! Who said I was going to war?!! The food is better than what I get served in our Mess Hall at RAF St Mawgan and the gym is great too! The only down fall is the fact that its increadably hot. It very rarely drops below 40oC in the day and 20oC at night!! Thank God for air con or I wouldn't be able to sleep! You will be pleased to hear that the Curch is very nice (all made out of wood with the best air con on camp!) and our priesty at the moment is French Canadian. How ever he goes home in 3 weeks and will be replaced. My music isn't suffering, I get to play every Sun morning at mass, however we are only doing entrance, communion and recessional. I am trying to find a keyboard player to join me (there is a keyboard in the church)and possibly a few guitars. Its a bit lonely up there on your own!!
Any way I'd better get on.
Take care one and all and I will see you in 4 months
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