An added irony to the celebrations was Father Stephen's goodbye. Next week is in fatc his last Sunday but he used his sermon today to give thanks and to say goodbye. Our liturgy was animated today by our children who read and performed with great style. Mass was followed by a BBQ and fortunately the weather held off whilst we enjoyed good food, good company and said goodbye and good luck to Father Stephen.
Our musical liturgy had many references to the Trinity and included choirboy's Sancta Trinitas, a rather echoey version of which is on: -
Entry : - Holy God, we praise thy name
Gloria: - Gloria (Duffy)
Alleluia: - Alleluia VII (Taize)
Credo/I believe www.myspace.com/holytrinitychoirboy2
Offertory: - In bread we bring You, Lord
Sanctus: - Gathering Mass
Mystery of faith (www.myspace.com/holytrinitychoirboy2)
Lord by Your cross and resurrection, You’ve set us free, You’ve set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world (repeat)
Saviour, Saviour Saviour, Saviour
You set us free, You set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world
Amen: - (www.myspace.com/cornwallchoirboy)
Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen
Agnus Die
Lamb of God, You’ve taken away all of our sins (repeat 2 times)
Have mercy on us
And grant us Your peace.
Communion: - Amazing Love
Sancta Trinitas
Chorus Sancta Trinitas
Unus Deus
Miserere nobis (repeat)
1.One God, three Persons, one life in You, Lord. All glory and all power are Yours forever and ever.
2. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, our divine mystery. All glory and all power are Yours forever and ever.
3. Risen Lord, our redeemer, all our hope is in You. All glory and all power are Yours forever and ever.
Amen, Amen.
Recession: - Walk in the light
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