It was great privilege this Sunday to welcome Father Joseph Udoh from the Missionary Society of St Paul who was making an appeal on behalf of the Kiltegan Fathers and their mission in Africa. He might well have said 'Smile Jesus loves you' for it was in using an anecdote from Fr Anthony Barrett that Father Joseph told us that smiling is a universal language. Consequently with a radiant beam he led us through a joyful liturgy on this second Sunday in Lent. The choir and the congregation sang enthusiastically, our new music went well and choirboy went home happy. However, it could have gone completely pear shaped as Father Joseph and Deacon Brian decided to start mass a full 3 minutes eaerly as choirboy was rehearsing the congregation through our new mass setting. We swiftly launched into the opening hymn, albeit with a handful of wrong notes but a deft recovery by Mary saw us safely through to the finish. With the promise of a new song next week by Louise and the hopeful arrival of Helen's bass, the immediate future is looking bright !
Entry All our welcome
Alleluia Praise to You, O Christ, our Saviour (V2)
Offertory Take our bread
Holy Holy Newquay Mass (iii)
Mem Accl Christ has died
Amen Amen - We will sing
Lamb of God Newquay mass (iii)
Lamb of God, Lamb of God
You take away the sin of the world (repeat)
Have mercy on us, have mercy on us
Have mercy on us and grant us Your peace
Communion Immortal, invisible
Lord I am not Worthy
Recessional Shine Jesus shine
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