Today was the feast of St Blaise. Here he is on the left. Blaise is confronting the Roman governor: scene from a stained glass window from the area of Soissons (Picardy, France), early 13th century.
Following mass we had our throats blessed in a rather old and peculiar ceremony which allowed choirboy to offer up a few additional songs whilst the rather slow process unfolded. Knocking on Heaven's Door (plagiarised by Choirby), I can feel You moving in me and Lord I know that You love me were knocked out with gusto by Paul, Jimmy and Choirboy.
Being the last Sunday in Ordinary time before Lent, we were reminded by Bishop Christopher in his pastoral letter that Easter is 'the feast of feasts, the solemnity of solemnities'. So as we prepare to prepare to be the Lord's 'Easter People', we need to revisit the meaning of Easter and review how we live. Not easy !
Entry This is the day
Gloria Gloria
Alleluia Plymouth Alleluia
Creed Credo/I believe
Offertory Take our bread
Holy Holy Newquay Mass (ii)
Mem Accl Christ has died
Amen Amen - We will sing
Lamb of God Newquay mass (ii)
Communion There is a longing
Recessional All the world belongs to You
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