In what was something of a first, the programme 'Big Brother' was the focus of Fr Mark's sermon, likening the Big Brother house to a community with all its problems. It was a bit of a mental stretch for Choirboy to imagine that our own community was similar to those in the TV house but we can run with it for a bit - the issue raised was about living together, forgiveness, love and a connection with the psalm - 'Harden not your hearts'. Well you had to be there really but the answer is love and love in the person of Jesus Christ...
With Jimmy's shoulder playing up again last week, a visit to his local physio enabled him to be fit enough, thankfully, to play today. One thing that cannot be repaired is his eyesight which, in common with many of us, is deteriorating. So replete with spectacles he attacked the music liturgy with gusto......
Entry : - My God accept my heart this day
Gloria: -
Alleluia : - Plymouth Alleluia
Credo/I believe
Offertory: - Lord accept the gifts we offer
Sanctus:: -Gathering Mass
Mystery of faith : - Dying you destroyed our death
Amen Amen, Amen, Amen We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen. Amen, Amen, Amen
Agnus Dei (Newquay Mass #2)
Lamb of God, Lamb of God, You take away, the sin of all the world (repeat)
Lord have mercy on us and grant us Your peace. Grant us Your peace.
Communion: - Be not afraid
Recession: - Follow me, follow me
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