Sunday, July 20, 2008

Here comes summer !

Although the weather is telling us otherwise, the fact that our small Church is increasingly full on Sundays, tells us that the holiday season is here. It's a great pleasure to meet all of those holidaymakers who organise liturgy in their home parishes. Choirboy is always happy to share musical ideas - leave me a message on the blog with your email address and I will contact you. We had a very contemporary liturgy today and judging by the comments after mass, I think it was enjoyed by the congregation - we hope that it enhanced your participation in the celebration of the mass. We certainly enjoy having visitors at Newquay - it's fantastic to have the Church full and the volume turned up !
Please check out the following blog: -
Entry : - Meekness and majesty
Gloria: -

Alleluia : - Plymouth Alleluia

Credo/I believe

Offertory: - Blessed be God

Sanctus:: -Gathering Mass

Mystery of faith : - Lord by Your cross and resurection

Amen Amen Amen. All glory to Our Lord and King. Songs of praise to You we sing in honour of Your sacrifice; Christ our Lord who brings us life. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Agnus Dei (Newquay Mass #2)
Lamb of God, Lamb of God, You take away, the sin of all the world (repeat)
Lord have mercy on us and grant us Your peace. Grant us Your peace.

Communion: - This is my body
Knocking on Heaven’s door
Recession: - Praise my soul the King of heaven

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Reap what you sow

The phrase 'reap what you sow' is a familiar one - it is also the end line of Lou Reed's 'Perfect Day', a song that Choirboy hopes to use at some point in the future. The challenge today was wondering what sort of witness we are providing to others, what sort of crop will we produce. I guess that only others can answer that for us.........meanwhile our Sunday celebrations expand to include the large numbers of holidaymakers visiting Newquay. It's fantastic to see our small Church so full. Regular readers will be interested to know that a ceasfire was observed by the younger members of the choirboy family -they simply listened to a reasoned a logical argument and worked out that fighting was pointless (and if you believe that you'll believe anything - Mrs Choirboy has her methods !)

Entry : - Eternal Father, strong to save

Gloria: -

Alleluia : - Plymouth Alleluia

Credo/I believe

Offertory: - Gifts of bread and wine

Sanctus (Newquay Mass # 3)

Mystery of faith : - Lord by Your cross and resurection

Amen Amen Amen. All glory to Our Lord and King. Songs of praise to You we sing in honour of Your sacrifice; Christ our Lord who brings us life. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Agnus Dei (Newquay Mass #3)

Communion: - Love is His word

Recession: - Freely, freely

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Ding ding round 3

Regular readers of this blog will notice two things, one the absence of the blog for the last two weeks (week 1, pressure of work, week 2, week off) and secondly the similarity to a previous post: - (
Today the two protagonists chose the Eucharistic prayer to loose off a few blows, the majority of which were from choirboy minimus who was clearly more up for it than his older brother. I am at a loss to explain the whys and the wherefors of this particular happening - let us hope that like all amateur boxing matches, they only have three rounds ! Today there was a first and a last. The first was a Taize chant sung in Polish by Patrycja and the last was Maz's last appearance at Holy Trinity before she disappears (posted to South Wales). Notwithstanding her work committments (taking her to Afghanistan) she has been with us for the past 4 years - her contributions to our liturgy have been fantastic and one of the aforementioned pugilists has cause to give her thanks as he is the now the proud owner of Maz's clarinet. Thank you for everything Maz.
Entry : - All are welcome
Gloria: -
Alleluia : - Plymouth Alleluia

Credo/I believe

Offertory: - Gifts of bread and wine

Sanctus (Newquay Mass # 3)

Mystery of faith : - Lord by Your cross and resurection
Amen Amen Amen. All glory to Our Lord and King. Songs of praise to You we sing in honour of Your sacrifice; Christ our Lord who brings us life. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Agnus Dei (Newquay Mass #3)

Communion: - Sweet sacrament divine
Bless the Lord my soul
Recession: - Walk in the light