On the feast of Christ the King, we welcomed back Father Stephen from his trip to the Holy Land with the news that we were having a "youth mass" and a Christening. Some of our post-communion group enacted the gospel and read the scriptures before Father Stephen didn't give his homily - he had decided that he would not preach a homily, so instead he gave a sermon ! At this point in our celebrations we were privileged to welcome Richard Kelly into the Church during the sacrament of baptism.
Despite not having Maz's clarinet to augment the music, Jess' flute has now been mended. So with Caitlin and Jess, in the woodwind department, added to the guitars of Jimmy, Marrianne and Choirboy, with Mary playing the organ we were able to give great support to our voices in celebration of this terrific event on the most apt of feast-days.
Fortunately Mrs Choirboy was present to stop any fisticuffs in the pews between the younger choirboys. However, so as not to disappoint their parents, they decided that a bit of pre-mass argy bargy would be in order ! Sometimes you can't win as a parent.
Entry: - Hail Redeemer King divine
Gloria: - Gloria (the clappy one !)
Alleluia: - Plymouth Alleluia
Creed: - Credo/I believe
Offertory: - Take our bread, we ask You
Holy Holy: - Gathering mass
Mem Acclamation: - Lord by Your cross
Amen: - Amen. We raise our hearts
Lamb of God:- Newquay mass
Communion: - The servant King
Recession: - Mine eyes have seen the glory