The St Vincent de Paul Society (“SVP”) is an international Christian voluntary organization dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing direct practical assistance to anyone in need. It has been active in England & Wales since 1844. Today Helen Connolly of our local SVP branch talked to us about the local work of the SVP in helping the needy - apt as our Gospel reading today was that of Lazarus at the table of the rich man. This Christian message is one of hope for the oppressed, poor and needy of our world, that is that we should love our neighbour wherever he or she may be. Not always an easy thing to do the SVP acts as a conduit for our love for our neighbour. We can show this love not only in a practical way by joining the SVP but also by charitable donation and through prayer. You can read more about the SVP here: -
Musically we were fortunate to have a new guitarist today. Paul will hopefully be joining us for the forseeable future and despite a mishap with his music stand and some wrong chords played correctly by Jimmy, just written wrongly by choirboy, we were able to celebrate in a joyous fashion. Next week sees the return of our organists and hopefully also the start of a music liturgy at the Saturday vigil Mass.
Entry Song of the body of Christ
Gloria Gloria
Alleluia Plymouth alleluia
Credo Credo/I believe
Offertory Take our bread
Holy Holy Newquay mass II
Mem Accl Dying You destroyed our death, rising you restored our life
Come, Lord Jesus come, ome again in glory.
Come Lord Jesus come, come again in glory (rpt)
Great Amen Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever. We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen
Sign of Peace Peace be with you, peace be with you always (x3)
Agnus Dei Newquay mass II
Communion Bread of life
Tantum Ergo
Recessional Shine Jesus shine