Tuesday, February 27, 2007
This promise is for you - The certainty of God's love
The opening hymn is a choirboy composition and can be found at
The second two hymns are by Graham Kendrick - his music is both beautiful and uplifting and choirboy's absolute favorite:-
Opening Hymn The truth we seek
(Jesus is the source of all hope and love – He is the Truth we seek)
In hope and love
The truth we seek
The truth we find in You (repeat)
In Jesus we shall find
The message of eternal life
In hope and love
The truth we seek
The truth we find in You (repeat)
The truth we find You (repeat)
Amazing Love (Acknowledging the enormity of God’s gift to us – His Son, Jesus)
Final Hymn
To You, O Lord I lift up my soul (The Psalmist praises God for the certainty of His love)
Sunday, February 25, 2007
We're Off - Into Lent that is

Kyrie: - Newquay Mass (ii)
Offertory: - O bread of heaven
Sanctus:- Newquay Mass (ii)
Amen: - Amen - We will sing
Agnus Dei: - Burntwood Mass
Communion: - My God loves me
Recessional:- On Eagle’s wings
Friday, February 23, 2007
Lent is coming !
Father Stephen was spared the preparation of a homily because we had a pastoral letter from the Bishop (http://www.plymouth-diocese.org.uk/). Nevertheless, he managed a few timely words on the excesses of modern life and the need to 'Live Simply' (http://www.livesimply.org.uk/). In particular he urged us to consider our responsibilities in our stewardship of the planet.
You may be wondering why the blog is late this week but judging by the number of visits on my site meter choirboy feels a bit like a virtual voice in the wilderness! The choirboy family have been visiting friends and relatives in the North West. We managed to find a church on Ash Wednesday in a land of plenty, church wise, although in a strong Catholic community, like us they are struggling with numbers (particularly of younger people). Choirboy can recommend to anyone who has never been there to visit, Liverpool's Metropolitan Cathedral (above) - a truly beautiful building with fantastic features and a fascinating history. Entry: -Praise my soul the King of heaven
Gloria: - Gloria
Alleluia: - Plymouth Alleluia
Offertory: - Lord we come to Your table
Bread and wine we offer now to You
To transform as only You can do
Body, blood, soul, divinity
Lord, I ask You to be one with me
V1 Lord we come to Your table
Lord we bring You bread and wine
Lord we ask You now to bless us
Take our gifts and make them thine
V2 Lord we lay our lives before You
Lord we bring ourselves to You
Lord we ask You to transform us
Fill our souls with love renewed
V2 Lord we bring our sins before You
Lord we ask You to forgive
All our faults and make us worthy
And find in us a place to live
Holy Holy: -Gathering mass
Memorial Acclamation: -
Lord by Your cross and resurrection, You set us free, You set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world (repeat)
Saviour, saviour, saviour, saviour. You set us free, you set us free. You are the saviour of the world. You are the saviour of the world.
Amen: -
Amen, Amen, Amen
We will sing of Your love forever
We will sing Your praise forever Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen
Lamb of God: -
Lamb of God You take away the sins of all the world (repeat)
Lord have mercy on us
Grant us Your peace. Grant us Your peace
Communion: -I will be with you
Recessional: - Hail Redeemer, King divine
Lord we come to Your table (2006), Lord by Your cross (2006), Amen – we will sing (2007), Lamb of God (2006) ©petermerrin,carnebo hill, goonhavern and CCLI.
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Gloria: - Gloria
Alleluia: - Plymouth Alleluia
Offertory: - One bread, one body
Holy Holy: - Gathering mass
Mem Accl: - Lord by Your cross
Amen: - Amen - We will sing
Lamb of God: - Newquay mass (ii)
Communion: - Lay Your hands
The truth we seek
In hope and love
The truth we seek
The truth we find in You (repeat)
In Jesus we shall find
The message of eternal life
In hope and love
The truth we seek
The truth we find in You (repeat)
The truth we find You (repeat)
Recessional: - I watch the sunrise
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
This Sunday we sang Amen - we will sing for the first time and choirboy was pleased with the result. An example of this prayer can be heard at: -
Unfortunately Jimmy has probably broken a bone in his strumming hand and Maz has been ill, so we were again rather musician-lite. However, it was great to see a hoarse Maz on Monday at practice when everyone was in very good form. For those who wish to hear 'We come to Your table', there is an example at: -
With a bit of luck we will be singing this in a few weeks as well as a new mass setting for Lent.
Entry: - This is the day
Gloria: - Gloria !
Alleluia: -Plymouth Alleluia
Offertory: - Take our bread
Holy Holy: - Gathering mass
Mem Accl: - Christ has died
Amen: - Amen - We will sing
Lamb of God: - Newquay mass (ii)
Communion: - Do not be afraid
Recessional: - Oh Lord, all the world belongs to You